“Confidence in oneself and in one’s powers

Confidence is a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances. One has faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way. Self-confidence is confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities, according to Merriam-Webster.
When you are confident, you not only bring out your fullest potential, but also influence the people around you. You have that leadership heart, willing to not rule, but help others up-level their lives.
I’ve written down three tips to boost confidence for you to follow and get yourself hyped up, feel the moment, and won’t regret any of the decisions you’ve made—because they were all intentional, nothing was made out of impulsion.

First, take a step back.

You might be wondering why taking a step back would bring you further. The logic is so ironic. I’ve heard a lot of leading coaches, trusted consultants, and successful business owners give this tip every single time they are asked to give tips on how they became so confident—their answers left me wondering.

But, looking at it this way, the Pomodoro (kitchen) Timer by Francesco Cirillo was developed as a time management method. The timer goes for 25 minutes of working on whatever you want to accomplish and having a 5-minute break.  This method allows you to work in intense bursts of energy throughout the day while also allowing you to take plenty of breaks to prevent burnout or feeling overextended.
Having breaks allows you to remain sane and restore your energy. Taking a step back doesn’t necessarily mean you have to re-do what you have accomplished. This means “pausing.” That’s why “rest” is heard in “progress.”

Second,  if you want to build your confidence, you have to take action.

It’s very important to realize you only become ready after performing the thing that scares you.

You will know how strong you are when you start doing the things that make you feel uncomfortable. When you start feeling happy and willing to get out of your comfort zone and take the steps to be fully equipped for your future endeavors.

You will feel that whatever challenges you may face, you will get through them because you once did, and you will again.


Third,  focus on progress over perfection,

because one major thing that hinders our confidence is when we strive for perfection. It’s saddening to see that a lot of people failed to finish their tasks just because of pressured by themselves to make them as flawless as possible, or even perfect!

If you’re one of them, you’re being harsh on yourself. You’re setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. You have to think that completing a task is better than trying hard to make it perfect. Most of the time, the work is flawless, and you just got hit by your impostor syndrome, which makes you think your work is not great, did not do a good job, and have to re-do it. Get rid of that toxic and unhealthy mindset through these steps:

STOP COMPARING YOURSELF. Too much comparing will mostly lead you to belittle yourself and just give up. Yes, you can compare, but to your younger self only. See the improvements and accomplishments you’ve made. Set another target goal, and start working your ass off.
STOP PROCRASTINATING. When you feel you don’t have the motivation to move, use the five-second rule by Mel Robbins. Do a countdown from five to zero and do the damn task immediately. You would have more time to do your tasks, and you would maximize the potential outcome. Say goodbye to “bare minimum” work, and crying over the potential outcome of your work if you only had started sooner.
WORK HARDER. When you’ve completed a lot and put a lot of check marks on your to-do lists, it subconsciously gives you more drive and energy to do more. It gives you the confidence to continue and not break your streak.



These are only some of the many ways you can build strong self-confidence. It’s very important to develop confidence because that’s what makes your “unique you”. No more missed opportunities, overthinking that you might just mess up, or even feeling like you’re not good enough—because you know your worth. If you don’t spend time getting to know yourself, you will just absorb what people perceive as your version, not who you really are; And that’s what we all don’t want to happen ever. Colab Space will always be a place of helping build that confidence in you!