Category: Productivity

Scaling Your Business? Here’s Why Flexible Office Space Makes It Easier

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs will tell you that scaling your business is no easy task. It takes the right team and strategy, plus a number of environmental factors, to ensure successful growth.  Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) make up 99.9% of all US businesses and 99.8% of California businesses—the backbone of the economy.  […]

Written by on September 28, 2023

How Artificial Intelligence Can Streamline Your Workday [Plus 14 AI Tools for Productivity]

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t new, but it’s blown up in popularity over the past few years. Rapid technology advancements mean that AI tools for productivity are increasingly more present and useful in the workplace.  And while some professionals are still skeptical about using AI in their day-to-day tasks and responsibilities, there’s no doubt that this […]

Written by on July 18, 2023

How Hiring Managers Can Onboard and Engage New Staff in 2023

Like most things in our post-pandemic work environment, onboarding new staff looks different than it used to.  In the past, new employees were typically brought up to speed at the office and they’d integrate into company culture in person with their colleagues.  But now that remote and hybrid work is so popular, new strategies are […]

Written by on January 19, 2023

The Value of Social Interaction: 6 Ideas to Boost Work Team Dynamics

If your social skills feel rusty after the pandemic, you’re certainly not alone.  When many of us were forced to work remotely, our collaboration, communication, and professional social skills took a back seat for a while.  Organic social connections at the office and casual “watercooler” talk virtually disappeared from our work lives.  And now that […]

Written by on January 11, 2023

Why Hybrid Offices Are the Future of Work [And How to Set Yours Up]

Back in March 2021, Microsoft declared that “the future of work is here and it’s hybrid,” predicting that the hybrid office will become the new normal for most companies.   Data from 2022 backs this up, with 77% of respondents in JLL’s annual survey agreeing that remote or hybrid work will be key for talent attraction […]

Written by on January 2, 2023

Why a Private Office in a Coworking Space Can Benefit Your Team

If there’s one thing we’ve all become acutely aware of since the pandemic emerged, it’s that uncertainty is one thing we can all be certain of.  So, as a business owner, it’s only logical that you might be trying to decide on the most efficient and cost-effective way to handle one of the biggest line […]

Written by on November 28, 2022